Showcase of work by Ben Pavier Locomotive Works


Showcase of work by Ben Pavier, please select a locomotive below

Here you can find the latest work completed by BP Locomotive Works, from stream engines and steam locomotives to traction engines



Latest Testimonials of work


9F 5Inch

9F 5 Inch 92046

BR Standard Class 9F 5 Inch 92046 This locomotive was bought by the current owner as a "running engine" from ...
Simplex 5Inch

Simplex 5 Inch

Simplex 5 Inch This engines boiler had failed and had resided on a sideboard for 3 years. The top half ...
5" LNER A3 "Flying Scotsman"

LNER A3 “Flying Scotsman” 5 Inch

LNER A3 "Flying Scotsman" 5 Inch This engine was bought as a "running engine".. which it did, but not so ...
Stanier 2-6-4 3 1/2"

Stanier 2-6-4 | 3 1/2 Inch

Stanier 2-6-4 | 3 1/2 Inch This little tank engine came in to be "tidied up". The smokebox was repainted, ...

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